
Greetings Foolish mortal tis I Cat Luniscia aka Blackmoonrose13 I am an artist, vtuber, streamer, hugo award winner, and many more!


I am Cat Lunsicia aka Blackmoonrose13!
I am a Variety Vtuber, and Artist!
I love video games, anime, cooking shows, manga, cartoons, food, table top games, A lot of things really.
I have a massive allergy to oranges, oats, and just the outside in general. I also have fluffy cats and chickens as pets!

I enjoy being the creator I am and I love when my stuff can make someone happy.
Sadly we live in a world were I need money to live, so my art skills are up for sale in my commission info!

Commission Info!

Commission Status: OPEN!
This is some of my work as well as my Commission Information.
Prices will vary due to complexity
If you wish to see more samples of my work please go to my Ko-fi or the many art sites I have in my contacts list

Vtuber assets $30

Emotes $30 Animated Emote $60

Reactive PNGS $50
Blinking extra $10
Extra Emotions $20
Animated costs extra depending on complecity

Where to buy my merch

The many places you can buy my art as merch,
some places have exclusives!

Contact and Follow

There are many places you can find me...so many places!